Multicultural Religious Education Isn’t UU-Specific?!?! or Is It Time To Bury Sunday School pt. 5 (my dog in the fight)

Contrary to how it might look, I don’t have a dog in the larger fight as to whether Sunday School is a good idea or whether it should be buried. I asked the question because it came up in my multi-denominational (Quaker, Brethren, Methodist, UU, UCC, Baptist) RE class.

But I do have a dog in a fight. David, in his comment on my last post wrote:

The MFC reading list should focus on what is UU specific, that a student might not get attending a non-UU school (and even a UU school, at times).

Now…I believe that is true if we are talking about History and Polity. But I think that in talking about religious education, that’s a completely different matter.

So I’ll ask the question…is multicultural religious education not UU-specific? Seeing as though many UUs boast about the fact that our children’s RE programs are soooooooooo racially/ethnically diverse, why isn’t there something about religious education in a multicultural context required on the MFC list? Don’t tell me about Black Pioneers in a White Denomination…that’s not religious education. Don’t tell me about the books dealing with the Black “Empowerment” Contorversy…that’s not religious education. Where is the stuff about multicultural religious education? (if I remember it right, a previous incarnation of the MFC list did have something about multicultural religious education, but I might be wrong)

Since we’re supposed to be so damn interested in being AR/AO/MC, why doesn’t the MFC list reflect that in every area? Why does religious education get the short end of the stick?

If multicultural religious education isn’t UU-specific…then that’s it…I QUIT.

13 thoughts on “Multicultural Religious Education Isn’t UU-Specific?!?! or Is It Time To Bury Sunday School pt. 5 (my dog in the fight)

  1. I don’t know enough to know whether MC RE is UU-specific. I can at least imagine that it is also an important part of UCC. However, what I do know is the MC-relevant books that are included on the required reading list of the two main RE classes at Meadville Lombard:

    Juana Bordas’ “Salsa, soul and spirit: Leadership for a multicultural age” (2007).

    Association of Higher Education’s “Identity development of diverse populations: Implications for teaching and administration in higher education” (2003).

    Elizabeth Minnich’s “Transforming knowledge” (2005).

    The MOSAIC Report on the status and experience of youth of color in White contexts (2009).

    James A. and Cherry A McGee Banks’s “Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives” Seventh Ed. (2010).

    Louise Derman-Sparks and Patricia G. Ramsey’s “What if All the Kids Are White? Anti-Bias Multicultural Education with Young Children and Families” (2006).

    Those, of course, are mostly not UU specific…

  2. The responder identified only as Educational Software wrote, “Im not sure I agree, but thanks.”

    Agree with what? Thanks for what? Kim’s statements in this post were that she disagrees with David about what should be on the MFC reading list for RE and that if multicultural RE is not UU-specific she quits. Pretty much the rest of the post consisted of questions.

    So does the responder identified only as Educational Software disagree with Kim about what should be on the MFC list? Or what criteria to use to determine what should be on the list? Does that mean s/he agrees with David on that issue? I can’t tell.

    Or does the responder disagree with Kim’s statement that she will quit under her stated scenario?

    And not to be a crank, but I don’t know what Kim means with her threat to quit if multicultural RE is not UU-specific. For something to be UU-specific, I would expect either that UUs are the only ones who do/have it, or, at the very least, that we have an identifiable, unique way of doing it or when we do it it has unique, identifiable content. But it does not seem to me that the absence of our uniqueness is a logical or reasonable reason to (threaten to) quit. So I must not understand what Kim is trying to say. If she had said that she will quit UU if UU RE is not specifically multicultural, that I would understand. But I have no idea what what she did write was intended to convey.

    Can you help me understand your point, Kim? You lost me.

  3. I wish I’d identified Mark was retiring. I would have stopped in to get a
    final pint with him! He’s a fantastic guy and was often a lot fun to talk with.
    I hope he enjoys his much-deserved retirement!

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